Consumer decisioning

Optimize consumer enagement with elanev consumer decisioning. Gain the next best action as well as the best channel and best time to engage.

  • Align journeys to the consumer as well as your desired outcome.
  • Consumers will benefit from faster, more accurate decisions whilst you will reduce your operational costs and increase revenue.

Encorporates elanev Contact, elanev Propensity and elannev Resilience scores  so you can engage your consumers appropriately. Whether that is via letter, email, SMS or phone, and at the right time whilst being up to date of their financial resilience and financial behaviour.

Leading clients


elanev Decisioning supports our move to a data driven approach. We are able to target paying consumer’s more effectively increasing engagement and importantly resolution. We have reduced the costs of consumer engagement whilst increasing collections.

Theresa, Head of Collections, BPO Collections. BPO partnered with elanev to integrate elanev Decisioning across their collection strategies.

Includes consumer contact data
with elanev Contact


consumer resilience data
with elanev Resilience

consumer behaviour data
with elanev Propensity


Easy to implement


No IT change required – we deploy using our secure sofware as a service (SaaS) approach.
Compliant – no need for you to share personal identifiable consumer information.
No extra cost – elanev Decisioning will increase your operational efficiency so you can reduce costs and increase profit.

Pilot it now


Experience the significant business benefits of elanev Decisioning for yourself. Contact us to arrange for a no obligation pilot. Our unique approach means that your right party contact rates will increase. You could be live within a week.

Frequently asked questions


What is elanev Decisioning? Applies Our Contact, Resilience and Propensity scoring products to help you work account queues optimially each day. Ensure that the right accounts are worked, at the right time, using the right channel in accordance with the priorities of the business.

Why not just apply elanev Contact, Resilience and Propensity separately? The gains available to businesses who have applied elanev Decisioning have been greater than just the application of all three products separately.

What advantage does applying elanev data and products give us over other data providers? elanev data and products provide a consumer based view. Other data providers provided a risk based view. For example credit scores assess the risk of default not financial resilience or vulnerability. Importantly, elanev prices on demonstrated benefit i.e. OPEX based pricing whilst other vendors don’t i.e. their pricing is based on CAPEX. Therefore, elanev are continuely incentivized to make their products work for their consumers. We put skin in the game.

What data do you use? An inventory file; a simple daily extract from your system of records at the beginning of the day and a subsequent results file at the end of the day. No personal identifiable consumer information is required within either file. We append our elanev Contact data to your inventory file and return it prior to the start of your day’s contact operation.

How is it provided? All three files are simple text (CSV) files transfered using secure file transfer protocol (ftp).

How do you use the results file? Your results file contains the account level outcomes from that day’s contact operation. We use these outcomes to re-calibrate our AI to ensure best alignment to your portfolio.